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Corso di Laurea Triennale in Diagnostica e Materiali per la conservazione e il Restauro

Organization of teaching

The Course has a normal duration of 3 years. Usually student activities coincide with the achievement of 60 credits per year. The Degree Course foresees a one-way formative path, with the prospect of articulation in modules of some teachings. The Student Guide will present every year the activated courses, their eventual subdivision in modules and the subdivision of the activated teachings between the Course years. The Degree Course is based on formative activities related to 6 types: a) basic, b) characterizing,  c) similar or supplementary, d) student’s free choice, e) final exam of a foreign language, f) other formative activities (linguistic knowledge, trainee and other useful knowledge for job placement).

For free choice activities, 12 CFU are reserved. For the designation of the free choice activities, students can choose teaching courses between the activated courses in the whole Athenaeum. The choice of the activities is free as long as it is coherent with the formative project in accordance with DM 22/10/2004 n. 270, art. 10 comma 5 a). The Council of the Degree Course will verify the coherence and will accept the study plan of the students.

6 CFU are reserved for the internship. The trainee will consists in an active stage in university structure or in public or private companies, for a period equivalent to 25 x 6CFU full time, to acquire and/or improve the knowledge  on problems and manual skills of the sector techniques, also useful for the execution of the final composition. 12 CFU are reserved for the final composition and 3 CFU for the knowledge of a foreign language (English).

last update: 18-May-2020
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